The Adventures of Princess Pauline, Prince Ademola Jnr and their Blue Dragon – Hardback (Amazon Books)

A tale of 3 Santas, 1 Chief Santa Helper, 1 King, 1 Queen, 1 Princess, 1 Prince, 1 Blue Dragon and 1 Red Dragon

By – Ademola Usuanlele



This book is about the adventures of a young Princess Pauline, her junior brother – Prince Ademola Jnr and their Blue Dragon. At a very young age Princess Pauline and Prince Ademola Jnr escaped war in their Kingdom in Edmonton and fled to the Kingdom of London. It also shows how their parents the King and Queen of the Kingdom of Edmonton got them connected with the North Pole Santa Claus Project. They became Santa Claus and Chief Santa Helper before their eventual coronation as the new King and Queen of the Kingdom of Edmonton. They learned valuable project and quality management skills and people skills which became useful to them during their reign as King and Queen of the Kingdom of Edmonton. Buy and read a copy today!


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